What You Need to Know About Frenectomies | Ottawa Dentist

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When we think about dental procedures, we generally think about teeth and gums, but there are a few lesser-known bits that can require necessary dental attention. One of these is the frenulum. Frenulum is a thin connective tissue that connects one surface to another inside the mouth. We have three types – lingual frenulum connects our tongue to the bottom of our mouth, labial frenulum connects attaches the lips to the gums (top and bottom at our front teeth) and buccal frena attaches our gums to the sides of our cheeks. In fact, you can see your frenum if you look in a mirror. Lift your tongue to see your lingual frenulum, pull your upper or lower lip to expose your labial frenulum. That’s your frenulum!

Now, this will only really become a problem if the frenulum is elongated and here’s why. As an infant, having an elongated lingual frenum may cause issues feeding, because babies need their tongues to suckle milk. If left untreated, it will cause speech issues as they become a toddler and begun to speak. And if it’s the labial frena that is elongated, it may cause orthodontic issues because it could cause gaps as permanent teeth start to come in. Many times, the issue can be remedied with braces.

Thankfully, there are plenty of natural, non-invasive options to try first. But if that doesn’t help, there is a simple procedure that can remedy any abnormal frenulum issues – a frenectomy. So simple you are in and out within fifteen minutes. Even recovery time is minimal – if you keep it clean and follow aftercare instructions, you’ll be back to normal within two weeks.

Schedule your appointment today. Call Dr. Doumit in Ottawa, Ontario at 613-232-8000 or visit www.urbandentalcentre.com.

Dr. Katia Doumit proudly serves Ottawa and all surrounding areas.

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