Composite Bonding Teeth

Dental bonding is a procedure used for a variety of structural and cosmetic purposes, such as restoring chipped or broken teeth, filling in gaps, and reshaping or recoloring your smile.
What is teeth bonding?
Bonding is a composite resin filling placed over the front teeth. Composites are used for restoring decayed teeth, making cosmetic improvements, and changing the color or the reshaping of teeth. Composite bonding will lighten any stains you have, close up minor gaps, and can be used to correct crooked teeth. Bonding will cover any natural flaws by having a thin coating of a plastic material applied to the front surface of your teeth. After this, your cosmetic dentist will apply a bonding material and sculpt, color, and shape it to provide a pleasing result. A high-intensity light then hardens the plastic, and the surface of composite bonding teeth is finely polished.
Small corrections usually require one appointment, in which a filling is color-matched to the tooth and bonded to its surface.
Larger corrections require two visits, your first visit consisting of an impression created of the teeth requiring a bond. The filling (onlay) is then created in a lab and fitted to your teeth on your second visit. These fillings are usually made of porcelain, are very durable, and are custom-fitted to your teeth. You can see the attached images of composite bonding before and after to clearly understand why you should go for the treatment.
Why get teeth bonding?
Tooth bonding is a treatment to fix a defect or imperfection within a tooth. Some people undergo this tooth bonding treatment to repair a damaged, cracked, decayed, or discolored tooth. Also, this treatment is great for making the small gaps between teeth disappear. So, if you have any of the above-mentioned dental problems, you can go for this treatment.
Who is a candidate for bonding?
If you have close, small gaps between your front teeth, or if you have chipped or cracked teeth, you may be a candidate for bonding front teeth. You can see the above images of the front teeth bonding before And after to clearly understand what they will look like after the treatment. Bonding is also used for patients who have discolored or uneven teeth, gum recession, or tooth decay.
How long does the composite bonding treatment take?
Generally, the composite bonding teeth treatment is a fast procedure and doesn’t require any downtime. It usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes. However, the treatment can take a longer time, sometimes, depending on the extent of the procedure.
Are there any risks involved in the bonding treatment?
Usually, the bonding treatment doesn’t involve any major risks. However, you must remember that the composite resins used in the treatment are not as strong as the natural enamel. So, there remains a possibility that the material can chip or separate out from the real tooth. However, it is very unlikely to happen because the material is secured with a crown, veneer, or filling. Also, the resins are not stain-resistant like other dental materials. So, if you consume too much coffee, you might stain or discolor your bonded tooth.
How much does teeth bonding cost?
The cost of teeth bonding varies as per the location, the procedure involved, and also the dentists’ charges and expertises. However, at Urban Dental Centre, we promise to deliver the service at the most affordable price. So, if you are looking for expert dentists to get a teeth bonding treatment, feel free to contact us. You can inquire about everything first, book an appointment and then give a visit to our dental clinic.
How to take good care of bonded teeth?
Just like taking care of the normal teeth elongates their lifespan, bonded teeth are the same. If you take proper care of the bonded teeth, you can prolong their life. Here are some self-care tips to take care of your bonded teeth.
- Brushing at least twice a day.
- Avoid chewing hard food and candies.
- Do not bite your nails.
- Avoiding consuming coffee, tea, and tobacco for the first two days after the treatment.
- Visit your dentist every six months.
However, if you accidentally chip or break the bonding material, you should visit your dentist immediately and get it taken care of fast.
1. How long can I expect my teeth bonding to last?
The longevity depends on the chosen material as well as your oral health. However, the bonding front teeth is said to last between three to ten years.
2. Will I experience pain at the time of front teeth bonding before and after?
Not at all. Dentists at Urban Dental Clinic are experts and take extra care during the process. Patients generally feel little to no pain at the time of tooth bonding.
3. Do teeth hurt after bonding?
Some people might feel a little sensitivity after the process. But once you know what is teeth bonding, you understand that the tingle is bound to become normal within a couple of days.
4. Are there any dietary restrictions?
Dentists recommend not having any hard food items right after composite bonding. Things that can break the hard exterior of the bonding should be avoided at all costs.
5. Can I expect a composite bonding for a missing tooth?
No. This is not meant to fill any empty space. But if you have a narrow gap between two teeth, that can easily be mended with composite bonding teeth.
6. Will I require anaesthesia at the time of composite bonding before and after?
This simple cosmetic procedure does not cause any pain. Therefore, patients mostly do not require anaesthesia, unless the process involves filling a deep cavity.
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