Wisdom Teeth Removal in Ottawa

Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom teeth are the lower and upper third molars and are most often the last teeth in the mouth to erupt. In most individuals, wisdom teeth erupt between the ages seventeen and twenty-one. Some people choose to have their wisdom teeth removed, but some may live with them lifelong if they do not cause any problems.
Misaligned wisdom teeth can be positioned at a haphazard angle. Our dentists get an X-ray examination done to identify the position and discuss treatment accordingly. It has been seen that early evaluation results in a good outcome, and the tooth can be pulled out smoothly without causing any further trouble. Come to our dental clinic to discuss the procedure of wisdom tooth extraction in detail.
Situations When Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removal Is Necessary
Impacted wisdom teeth are common. It is not possible for these teeth to erupt normally in the mouth.
These teeth can:
- Extend slanted in the direction of the second molar.
- Develop slanted in the direction of the back of the lips.
- Grow at a straight angle to the other teeth as if 'lying down' inside the jawbone
- Remain confined within the jawbone but grow straight up or down like other teeth
Impacted wisdom teeth removal will probably be necessary if it causes issues like:
- Pain
- Storing dirt and food behind the wisdom teeth.
- Causing periodontal disease.
- Giving minimal gum coverage due to tooth decay.
- Harming the surrounding bone or tooth in the vicinity.
- Forming of a sac filled with fluid around the wisdom tooth.
- Causing issues with braces
Come to Our Clinic for the Best Results
Urban Dental Centre has a team of dental professionals waiting to help you out. No matter whether you are suffering from constant pain or swelling or even infection, leave it up to us to get the job done perfectly. Many dentists advise wisdom tooth extraction even if they are not causing any issue.
Wisdom tooth removal is advised at an early age. This is due to the fact that it is frequently difficult to clean a tooth properly if there is not enough room for it to grow. Moreover, with growing age, it can get more difficult to get the tooth removal surgery done. Thus, contact us at the earliest sign of wisdom tooth and get the job done without any hassle.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How Many Days Does the Healing Process Take after a Wisdom Teeth Removal?
While most people recover in a week or less, other people require longer. In order to avoid infections or problems, it is crucial to adhere to aftercare procedures.
2. After My Wisdom Tooth Extraction, May I Brush My Teeth?
Yes, and you should. But always proceed with caution. Wait till the extraction site is fully healed before brushing it. Take an antibacterial mouthwash and dedicate a few days to a liquid and soft food diet.
3. Do Wisdom Tooth Extractions Alter the Shape of the Face?
No. Your wisdom teeth erupt in the dental alveolus (tooth socket). This is in contrast to your other teeth that grow in the basal jawbone, which shapes the contours of your face. Thus, you do not have to worry about having any changes in the shape of your face.
4. What Are Eating Guidelines to Follow after Getting Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removal?
For the first twenty-four hours, dentists advise not chewing. Eat lots of liquid for the next seven days, but refrain from consuming anything that can irritate the extraction incision.
5. Do Wisdom Teeth Come Out on Their Own?
No. Gum disease and tooth decay are the only factors that can lead to wisdom teeth falling out. You can trust our dentists to prevent this from happening.