Your Prettier Smile Is on the Horizon | Ottawa Dentist

woman smiling

When searching for the smile of our dreams, there is one dental appliance that is like the Swiss Army knife of the dental world – dental implants. Most commonly used for individuals who have cracked or even missing teeth, dental implants provide a multitude of advantages to any individual looking to create a beautiful smile:

Versatility. Though dental implants have their own single purpose in replacing missing or cracked teeth, they may also serve as an important part in other restorative procedures. A tooth implant can support a dental crown as well as dental bridges. These types of decisions will be presented to you as you design your treatment plan with your dental professional.

Naturalness. You have seen bad veneers – the teeth look very white and very obvious. Most individuals decide on getting dental implants because they are the closest to natural that replacement teeth can get. Your dentist will design these implants to look and feel the most natural that they can be, even taking the time to get the color right so that they blend in with your natural teeth. No one will even notice you’ve had work done.

Confidence. People who suffer from missing teeth are oftentimes uncomfortable with their appearance. After all, it is the first thing you see upon meeting someone for the first time. If you are self-conscious, you will shy away from smiling. That’s no way to live life! Because dental implants are so natural looking, one’s confidence should be restored, especially when flashing a smile.

If your smile just needs a couple of subtle tweaks, you may want to consider getting Invisalign, the invisible trays used to straighten your teeth in the most discreet way. Your perfect smile is waiting for you – so why not make an appointment today?

If you would like more information about smile makeovers, call Dr. Katia Doumit in Ottawa, Ontario at 613-232-8000.

Dr. Doumit proudly serves Ottawa and all surrounding areas.