The Effects of Autumn on Sensitive Teeth | Ottawa Dentist

man suffering from sensitive teeth

Here we are – preparing ourselves for another autumn season. We swap out popsicles and lemonade for pumpkin bread and hot cocoa. For most of us, this is a welcomed treat as the weather begins to cool down. For others, this is a painful time of year for our mouths because of one reason – sensitive teeth. If you notice a painful zing in your mouth when you eat or drink anything cold or hot, you likely have sensitive teeth.

There are many reasons one could have teeth sensitivity, but it’s generally wear and tear that causes your gums to pull back, making your teeth sensitive. Tooth decay, gingivitis, and plaque buildup are various dental issues that make consuming hot or cold foods difficult. It isn’t what about the choice that you need to worry about – enjoy your favorite autumnal treats. It is the change of temperature in your choices that makes your teeth react.

Damaged teeth or worn teeth due to teeth grinding are also ways teeth can become sensitive. The sooner you fix these issues, the less likely there will be more damage caused because of the neglect. Use a mouth guard while you sleep to keep your teeth from wearing down. If you use teeth whitening products often, the chemicals can begin to wear down the tooth enamel. Acidic foods, like citrus fruit, can also contribute to wear and tear on tooth enamel. The key is to keep everything in moderation.

Wear and tear on your teeth are something not to be taken lightly. If you feel you have sensitive teeth, consult a dental professional for helpful tips so you can enjoy the warm and tasty treats this season has to offer.

Schedule your appointment today. Call Dr. Doumit in Ottawa, Ontario at 613-232-8000 or visit

Dr. Katia Doumit proudly serves Ottawa and all surrounding areas.