Start the Year Off with an Oral Cancer Screenings | Ottawa Dentist

woman in dental chair starting the year off with an oral cancer screening

While our health is on top of mind with resolutions, why not check if you have oral cancer? Below is a list of possible symptoms associated:

  • Swellings, lumps or rough spots in your mouth, neck or jaw. If they do not disappear after 3 weeks, you could be developing mouth cancer.
  • Ulcers or red or white patches. If they have a velvety texture, this is a telltale sign, especially if the patches do not heal in 3 weeks.
  • Difficulty in chewing and swallowing, moving the jaw or tongue. If this occurs, it is important to take prompt action and get it checked by a doctor.
  • Sores in the mouth, neck and face. If they have begun to bleed persistently, and do not heal within 2 weeks, they need to be checked as they are also symptoms of oral cancer. Another symptom of oral cancer is constant bleeding in your mouth that cannot be explained.
  • Loss of feeling or pain in areas. If you find that you notice this on your mouth, neck, face and ear, oral cancer could be developing.
  • Chronic sore throat. In the early stages, the sore throat can also be accompanied by a lump in your throat.

If you find you have any of these symptoms, our office has the VELscope® system to help us identify, evaluate, monitor and mark any abnormal or suspicious oral cell lesions.

So how does it work? A low intensity fluorescence light from the handheld light source will then bounce off the abnormal cells, giving them a “glowing” effect all the way down to the basement membrane where the nuclei have been rendered more prominent, making abnormal cells easier to see than with a traditional exam.

Schedule your appointment today. Call Dr. Doumit in Ottawa, Ontario at 613-232-8000 or visit

Dr. Katia Doumit proudly serves Ottawa and all surrounding areas.