What Is Cosmetic Dentistry? | Ottawa Dentist

woman's smile showing cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry can transform the appearance of your teeth while retaining or enhancing your oral health. According to AACD.com “…cosmetic procedures can range from basic color correction to replacing missing teeth, and everything in between.” While cosmetic dentists may employ the use of anesthesia for surgical improvement, most procedures are non-invasive. Here are a few procedures cosmetic dentists perform.

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Protecting Yourself Against Oral Cancer | Ottawa Dentist

microscope looking at tooth for protection against oral cancer

Cancer is an uncomfortable thing to consider, and for many around the world is a trigger for distress. Yet, the key to beating cancer commonly comes down to early detection. It’s important to understand the warning signs to look out for at home so you can consult with your dentist about your concerns as soon as possible. Please note the following is not an exhaustive list within any of these categories, but they are important to keep in mind.

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The Difference Between Dental Implants and Bridges | Ottawa Dentist

woman in dental chair having teeth looked at to determine the difference between dental implants and bridges

Tooth loss can be a result of dental trauma, advanced gum disease, or deterioration of the underlying bone over time. If you have experienced dental trauma, it’s important to see your dentist sooner than later to assess surrounding teeth and gums. Either way, a cosmetic dentist may present two replacement options to consider; a fixed dental bridge or an implant. It’s important to understand what these options entail in order to make the best decision for you.

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Why It’s Critical To Care For Baby Teeth, and How To Do It | Ottowa Dentist

little girl smiling and why it's critical to care for baby teeth and how to do it

“Baby teeth” are the precursor for adult teeth, they are the placeholder and it’s important they be
maintained for gum health and reduction of harmful bacteria. Our children may never
acknowledge the benefits caring for their teeth at that age has on their adult teeth later. Yet,
their health will always be better off from early interventions in proper oral hygiene.

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How Smiling Can Enhance Your Life | Ottawa Dentist

blonde woman smiling showing how smiling can enhance your life

There is no official evidence supporting the adage “it takes more muscles to frown than to smile” but there is evidence to support the positive effects of smiling. Friends may encourage one another to smile during difficult times because they know even a fake smile produces real endorphins. Whether you are already in love with your smile or are considering ways to enhance it, here are some real-world benefits of smiling.

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Do You Have Tooth Decay? | Ottawa Dentist

teeth in mirror showing tooth decay

Let’s face it – it is easy to maintain a healthy smile if we follow a few basic rules regarding dental hygiene. If you treat your teeth well, they’ll repay you by shining bright and strong. Unfortunately, many don’t follow the rules and your smile is affected. Tooth decay is something that happens when you eat sugary foods and neglect the daily dental duties. And if neglected long enough, bacteria eventually cause cavities to develop.

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