Have you ever given your teacher an apple? Have you ever heard of the Welsh proverb, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Apples aren’t just randomly chosen to represent a teacher’s pet or a deterrent for going to the doctor, but there are actual health benefits that are bringing this delicious fruit to the forefront of healthy snack options. But did you know that these shiny apples are also helping you keep a health and shiny smile in the process? It’s true. Apples are not only healthy for our overall health, but also helps our mouths stay healthy in the process.
Apples are fantastic on a couple of levels – they are a delicious hand-held snack on the go and they help prevent lots of health issues. What kind of health issues? Believe it or not, apples can lend a hand with various stages of dementia and cancers, help lower cholesterol, aid in the symptoms of diabetes and of course helps when working on weight loss. And that’s not even including your smile!
When it comes to our smiles, the apple will have a dual line of defense against dental issues. Because apples are delightfully crispy, every bite you take gets into the places between your teeth a regular scrub can’t quite get to effectively. Apples also contain malic acid, which acts as a quick scrub on your teeth as you consume the juicy fruit. Speaking of juicy fruit, eating an apple will increase saliva production, and saliva helps naturally rinse our mouth of cavity-causing bacteria.
On September 17th we celebrate International Eat an Apple Day, so go ahead and snack on the greatest natural snack around. Don’t forget your teacher!
If you would like more information about the benefits of apples, call Dr. Katia Doumit in Ottawa, Ontario at 613-232-8000.
Dr. Doumit proudly serves Ottawa and all surrounding areas.