Why You Should Go to the Dentist for Your Botox Treatments | Ottawa Dentist

As we age, our facial features begin to wrinkle and sag – it’s the natural progression of life. Many of us try to delay the inevitable and visit their cosmetic surgeon for Botox and/or facial fillers. What many patients don’t know is that you can get this treatment done at the dentist. But why? There are a few reasons to reconsider who is doing your anti-aging treatments.

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Alternative Treatment Options for Bruxism

When we don’t get enough quality sleep, it can begin to develop into other health issues because our bodies rest and heal in order to continue running at peak levels. So, if you are waking up with headaches or jaw pains, it is time to make a dental appointment to find out why. Likely, you have developed a sleep issue like bruxism, or teeth grinding. If this is the case, you will be advised to use a night guard while you sleep. This little gadget will keep your teeth from wearing down and causing more issues. But if you feel that the night guard isn’t making enough of a difference, there are other alternative treatment options that you can inquire to your dentist about, such as:

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Getting Botox: At the Dentist? | Ottawa Dentist

blonde woman smiling

It seems everyone is trying to keep their youthful glow these days and will try almost anything to keep it. From fad diets to surgical procedures, everyone is looking for that quick path to the fountain of youth. Because let’s face it – time waits for no man. So, we go to the doctors to fill in our wrinkles with collagen and Botox in order to keep it moving.

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