Protecting Yourself Against Oral Cancer | Ottawa Dentist

microscope looking at tooth for protection against oral cancer

Cancer is an uncomfortable thing to consider, and for many around the world is a trigger for distress. Yet, the key to beating cancer commonly comes down to early detection. It’s important to understand the warning signs to look out for at home so you can consult with your dentist about your concerns as soon as possible. Please note the following is not an exhaustive list within any of these categories, but they are important to keep in mind.

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Do Relaxing Dental Appointments Exist? | Ottawa Dentist

In order to protect our smiles from decay and other dental maladies, we need to follow a good dental hygiene routine each and every day. But in addition to that, we need to visit the dentist a couple times a year. Not only will you have a deep cleaning of your smile, but your dental professional is the only one who can truly tell if your smile is developing any issues.

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The Three Most Common Dental Problems in Canada | Ottawa Dentist

We all try to do our best to keep our smile as healthy as we possibly can, but we aren’t always the most
regimented of soldiers. And because of those slip-ups, we develop dental issues. The problem is, we
aren’t capable of diagnosing these types of issues – that is for the dental professional and why we need
to keep our dental appointments. Because the longer we delay getting treatment, the worse the
condition gets. The following are the most common dental issues Canadians currently have and how to
prevent them from happening:

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Becoming Aware of World Diabetes Day | Ottawa Dentist

diabetes book
Every November 14th we celebrated World Diabetes Day, a day created by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization to help promote the awareness of a disease that remarkably affects over 400 million people worldwide. And because diabetes took 5000 lives in 2015, any education we can give to the public can only help improve the chances of decreasing this devastating disease. Continue reading “Becoming Aware of World Diabetes Day | Ottawa Dentist”

Oral Cancer: Signs and Symptoms | Ottawa Dentist

When we hear the “C-word”, we are always sent into a state of shock. Because there are so many factors that can contribute to developing oral cancer, so knowing some of the signs and symptoms you should keep an eye out for can help to diagnose the problem quickly and find some type of treatment. If you find that you have any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your dental professional to get a proper examination. Continue reading “Oral Cancer: Signs and Symptoms | Ottawa Dentist”