Oral Cancer: Signs and Symptoms | Ottawa Dentist

When we hear the “C-word”, we are always sent into a state of shock. Because there are so many factors that can contribute to developing oral cancer, so knowing some of the signs and symptoms you should keep an eye out for can help to diagnose the problem quickly and find some type of treatment. If you find that you have any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your dental professional to get a proper examination. Continue reading “Oral Cancer: Signs and Symptoms | Ottawa Dentist”

Would You Like Some Cheese with Your Wine? | Ottawa Dentist

This time of year is always filled with fun evenings spent with close family and friends. And what better way to celebrate these gatherings than with some chilled wine and a fantastic cheese plate? Not only does they go hand in hand, but certain varieties can actually improve your smile. It’s true! So, in honor of National Wine and Cheese Day, let’s take a look at how these delicious pairings are great for your grin… Continue reading “Would You Like Some Cheese with Your Wine? | Ottawa Dentist”

Teach the Tiny Humans to Brush | Ottawa Dentist

When we become parents, we have to teach our tiny humans how to get along in the world. They come into it without any idea about how to do anything and it’s our job to teach them right and wrong. When it comes to dental hygiene, teaching your child is going to be a struggle. After all, what kid liked brushing their teeth growing up? You know you tried to dodge the process any chance you got. But when it comes to things like oral hygiene, consistency is key. If you are finding dental hygiene lessons to be a challenge, here are some tips that can help make the process of teeth cleaning fun for both of you: Continue reading “Teach the Tiny Humans to Brush | Ottawa Dentist”

You Can Run, but You Can’t Hide | Ottawa Dentist

If you’re like most of us before your teeth cleaning is time for a college cram session worth of dental hygiene. While cavities and plaque build-up may be what’s on your mind before teeth cleaning, your dentist is looking for a whole lot more. Often, diseases will first be identified by the dentist during a regular examination. And unfortunately, can discover all of your bad habits. So, when coming up with “proof” you’re taking care of your teeth, think again… Continue reading “You Can Run, but You Can’t Hide | Ottawa Dentist”