When Bleaching Your Teeth Goes Too Far | Ottawa Dentist

A bright set of pearly whites is a goal for most of us. With the diet most of us keep, it is easy for our teeth to begin to tinge as time goes on. Dark foods and beverages all contribute to the dingy look our smiles have. Thankfully, there are many ways to regain those pearlies with just a bit of effort. From natural to in-office treatments, brightening your smile not only has options, but loads of them.

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Improve Your Smile with a Picnic | Ottawa Dentist

There is nothing better than a day in the sun. And now that it’s summertime, loads of us plan on getting together with friends and family to enjoy the warm weather. So, we pack up a lunch and head out into the sun with our loved ones. What you add to that picnic basket will not only dictate a fantastic time, but it can also have an effect on your dental health. So, before you pack up your afternoon nosh, let’s take a look at things you can add to look after your smile.

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Do You Take Milk in Your Tea? | Ottawa Dentist

There are loads of reasons to enjoy a cup of tea. To warm (or cool) your insides, to gather with friends, to even get a good night’s sleep. No matter your reason, tea has become a favorite for people around the world. The problem is one similar to other dark drinks – they can stain your teeth over time. But it still doesn’t matter – tea is going to be a staple in everyone’s lives. So, to celebrate International Tea Day, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of our beloved leafy beverages…

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Do Relaxing Dental Appointments Exist? | Ottawa Dentist

In order to protect our smiles from decay and other dental maladies, we need to follow a good dental hygiene routine each and every day. But in addition to that, we need to visit the dentist a couple times a year. Not only will you have a deep cleaning of your smile, but your dental professional is the only one who can truly tell if your smile is developing any issues.

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Let’s Celebrate World Oral Health Day! | Ottawa Dentist

We all know that our health is of the utmost importance. Unfortunately, many of us don’t link oral health to general health, even though it’s DIRECTLY linked to our overall health. We breathe with our mouths, eat and drink with our mouths, if there is a way for a germ to get into our system, it’s likely through our mouth. And this is why it is so important to keep up with our oral hygiene.

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Why You Should Go to the Dentist for Your Botox Treatments | Ottawa Dentist

As we age, our facial features begin to wrinkle and sag – it’s the natural progression of life. Many of us try to delay the inevitable and visit their cosmetic surgeon for Botox and/or facial fillers. What many patients don’t know is that you can get this treatment done at the dentist. But why? There are a few reasons to reconsider who is doing your anti-aging treatments.

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New Year, New Dental Hygiene Habits | Ottawa Dentist

Now that we have begun 2022, it is important to know that change is afoot for many of us. We all have some goals set for the new year, and many of them have to do with health. Unfortunately, many of us forget about our dental health when making these changes. But it’s true – dental health should be a top priority because our general health is directly linked to our dental one. And the first step? A clean toothbrush. 

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Wrapping Up the Year with a Healthy Smile | Ottawa Dentist

As we wrap up 2021 and prepare for 2022, many of us take stock and set goals for the upcoming year. For some, it’s health while others try to work on lifestyle changes. All are great ideas, but one resolution seems to miss us is our dental health. Sure, many of us link health to nutrition, but the health of our smile plays an even more important role in our overall health. Think about it, many germs and viruses are often ingested via our mouth. If we take care of our smile, chances are good health will follow.

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Are You a Coffee Fanatic? | Ottawa Dentist

Do you wake up and head to the closest coffee shop for a quick fix of coffee? Does it affect your day if you don’t have your caffeinated beverage? You are not alone. Canadians everywhere love to have their Tim Hortons in the morning, and sometimes throughout the day. The problem is many of those beverages are terrible for your smile due to the amount of sugar. And for many, it can be a shocking discovery to find out just how much sugar is involved in their daily. For some, it’s comparable to eating a candy bar.

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Grinding Your Teeth May Be Giving You Wrinkles | Ottawa Dentist

We all can admit that a telltale sign of old age is wrinkles. It’s a fact of life and there is nothing we can do to reverse time. They appear in various areas on our face – one such area is the corners of our mouth. There is a muscle that attaches the corners of our mouth to the border of the lower jaw that motivates facial expression. Specifically, it allows us to frown. And if we frown a lot, we are likely to over-develop this muscle. The consequence is “jowl lines”, wrinkles from the corners of the mouth to the bottom of the lower jaw. 

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