Wrapping Up the Year with a Healthy Smile | Ottawa Dentist

As we wrap up 2021 and prepare for 2022, many of us take stock and set goals for the upcoming year. For some, it’s health while others try to work on lifestyle changes. All are great ideas, but one resolution seems to miss us is our dental health. Sure, many of us link health to nutrition, but the health of our smile plays an even more important role in our overall health. Think about it, many germs and viruses are often ingested via our mouth. If we take care of our smile, chances are good health will follow.

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Are You a Coffee Fanatic? | Ottawa Dentist

Do you wake up and head to the closest coffee shop for a quick fix of coffee? Does it affect your day if you don’t have your caffeinated beverage? You are not alone. Canadians everywhere love to have their Tim Hortons in the morning, and sometimes throughout the day. The problem is many of those beverages are terrible for your smile due to the amount of sugar. And for many, it can be a shocking discovery to find out just how much sugar is involved in their daily. For some, it’s comparable to eating a candy bar.

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Grinding Your Teeth May Be Giving You Wrinkles | Ottawa Dentist

We all can admit that a telltale sign of old age is wrinkles. It’s a fact of life and there is nothing we can do to reverse time. They appear in various areas on our face – one such area is the corners of our mouth. There is a muscle that attaches the corners of our mouth to the border of the lower jaw that motivates facial expression. Specifically, it allows us to frown. And if we frown a lot, we are likely to over-develop this muscle. The consequence is “jowl lines”, wrinkles from the corners of the mouth to the bottom of the lower jaw. 

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The Three Most Common Dental Problems in Canada | Ottawa Dentist

We all try to do our best to keep our smile as healthy as we possibly can, but we aren’t always the most
regimented of soldiers. And because of those slip-ups, we develop dental issues. The problem is, we
aren’t capable of diagnosing these types of issues – that is for the dental professional and why we need
to keep our dental appointments. Because the longer we delay getting treatment, the worse the
condition gets. The following are the most common dental issues Canadians currently have and how to
prevent them from happening:

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Dental Tips for the Baby Ones | Ottawa Dentist

When becoming a new parent, there are loads of resources available to help guide you through every step of the way. But one area that tends to be overlooked, by even the most attentive parent, is dental care. If the baby doesn’t have teeth, why would this even be a concern, right? Wrong. Just because your tiny human doesn’t have teeth, doesn’t mean their mouth should be ignored. The more pristine the conditions are when teeth do decide to make their appearance, the healthier they will be.

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Do You Like to Drink Tea? | Ottawa Dentist

Are you a fan of drinking tea? Is it the one hot beverage you go to when you want to warm up your bones? You aren’t alone. Every second, people around the world consume 25,000 cups of tea. That’s 2.16 billion cups of tea each day! Tea is loved so much that the United Nations declared May 21st International Tea Day to celebrate the importance of tea in our lives in order to promote its production and consumption.

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International Moment of Laughter Day | Ottawa Dentist

little girl smiling

Every year on April 14th, the world gets together to share a good laugh. Created in 1997 by Izzy Gesell, International Moment of Laughter Day was put into place to remind people that laughter is the best medicine. He said, “Laughter comes right after breathing as just about the healthiest thing you can do. It relieves stress, instills optimism, raises self-confidence, defuses resistance to change, and enhances all your relationships.”

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What You Need to Know About Frenectomies | Ottawa Dentist

up close smile

When we think about dental procedures, we generally think about teeth and gums, but there are a few lesser-known bits that can require necessary dental attention. One of these is the frenulum. Frenulum is a thin connective tissue that connects one surface to another inside the mouth. We have three types – lingual frenulum connects our tongue to the bottom of our mouth, labial frenulum connects attaches the lips to the gums (top and bottom at our front teeth) and buccal frena attaches our gums to the sides of our cheeks. In fact, you can see your frenum if you look in a mirror. Lift your tongue to see your lingual frenulum, pull your upper or lower lip to expose your labial frenulum. That’s your frenulum!

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