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AcceleDent - Accelerated Orthodontics

What is AcceleDent® Aura?

Developed by OrthoAccel® Technologies, Inc., Leader in Accelerated Orthodontics™, AcceleDent Aura is a simple-to-use, hands-free device designed for faster orthodontic treatment with only 20 minutes daily use.

AcceleDent is approved by Health Canada.

It's Fast.

Clinically proven to move teeth up to 50% faster in a U.S. clinical trial.1

It's Safe.

Cleared by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and available only by prescription from your orthodontist.1

It's Gentle.

AcceleDent patients have reported reduced discomfort with their orthodontics.1

Contact us today for a free consultation!

References: 1. Data on file.